Recycle Rocket Ranking System

Welcome to the Recyclability Rating System page of, your go-to platform dedicated to revolutionizing the way we think about and manage product packaging. In our journey towards a more sustainable future, understanding and improving the recyclability of packaging is crucial. Our innovative Five-Star Recyclability Rating provides a clear, actionable guide for both consumers and manufacturers, aiming to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly packaging solutions. By evaluating packaging based on materials, ease of recycling, consumer effort required, and overall environmental impact, we’re empowering everyone to make informed choices that benefit our planet. Join us in our mission to transform packaging practices, one product at a time, for a greener, cleaner world.

Enhanced Recyclability Rating - Product Packaging Recycle Rating System

Five Stars – ★★★★★
Criteria: 100% of the product packaging is recyclable using local facilities without any need for consumer preparation. Packaging is made from materials widely accepted in curbside recycling programs (e.g., paper, cardboard, PET plastic).
Example: A cardboard box without any non-recyclable coatings, adhesives, or components.
Four Stars – ★★★★
Criteria: At least 75% of the product packaging is recyclable with minimal consumer effort, such as rinsing or removing non-recyclable components (e.g., plastic caps on glass bottles). Includes packaging that provides clear, simple recycling instructions.
Example: Glass bottles with plastic caps that need to be removed before recycling.
Three Stars – ★★★
Criteria: 50-74% of the product packaging is recyclable with moderate consumer effort, including cleaning and separating materials. Packaging uses a combination of materials, but the majority are recyclable.
Example: Plastic packaging with metal components that require disassembly.
Two Stars – ★★
Criteria: 25-49% of the product packaging is recyclable with significant consumer effort, such as having to take the packaging to a special recycling facility. Packaging may contain a high percentage of non-recyclable materials.
Example: Snack wrappers made with a mix of plastics that are only accepted at specific recycling centers.
One Star – ★
Criteria: Less than 25% of the product packaging is recyclable, requiring extensive consumer effort to recycle even a small portion. The product uses predominantly non-recyclable materials or complex composites that are difficult to process.
Example: Multi-layered packaging with combinations of paper, plastic, and foil that are difficult to separate and are not accepted in most recycling programs.
Zero Stars – ☆
Criteria: None of the product packaging is recyclable, consisting entirely of materials that must be disposed of as waste. This includes packaging made from hazardous materials or complex composites with no current recycling path.
Example: Packaging made from materials contaminated with food waste, hazardous substances, or made from non-recyclable composites.
Additional Considerations
Material Composition: Clearly define acceptable materials for each star level, emphasizing designs that minimize waste and maximize the use of recyclable content.
Consumer Effort: Provide specific examples of the actions required by consumers to recycle the packaging, aiming to reduce the effort needed for higher ratings.
Reuse and Lifecycle: Encourage packaging that is designed for reuse or has a lower environmental impact over its lifecycle, even if it falls into a lower recyclability category.
Information and Labeling: Reward packaging that includes clear, visible instructions on how to recycle or dispose of the package properly.
Updates and Review: Commit to regularly updating the rating criteria to reflect advancements in recycling technologies, market acceptance of recycled materials, and changes in local recycling capabilities.